Category: Healthy Meals

Posted in Healthy Meals Hydration Long haul flights Sydney Travel Nutrition

Healthier travel via Sydney International Airport

Sydney International Airport is changing for the better.  Carol Sadler, one of our travelling Registered Nutritionists, has passed through Sydney International Airport several times over…

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Posted in Breakfast Healthy Meals Stansted Travel diets Travel Nutrition

Brilliant breakfasts at Stansted Airport

Business travellers flying from Stansted Airport (UK) can now choose from a wider selection of breakfast menus as a result of the recent airport transformation…

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Posted in Healthy Meals Long haul flights

Airline meals: What to choose when?

Ever been perplexed over airline meals and what to eat or when?  Frequent long-haul traveller and Registered Nutritionist, Carol Sadler reveals her tips for making…

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Posted in Breakfast Health Healthy Meals Travel diets

Could the 5:2 diet be right for your travel schedule?

Weight loss is never easy.  If business trips involve meal-meetings and light eating is too hard, then a five : two regime could be the…

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Posted in Breakfast Healthy Meals Long haul flights Travel stress

Mental fitness: Brain food for the journey ahead

Travelling takes a lot out of us, both mentally and physically, so we need to make sure we prepare ourselves as much as possible when…

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Posted in Health Healthy Meals Hydration Long haul flights

Constipation – the curse of the business traveller

Constipation is a common hazard when travel is far and frequent, even to those usually blessed with the most regular habits. The causes are multiple,…

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Posted in Airports England Europe Gatwick Great Britain Healthy Meals Hydration Snacks

Where to find healthier options at Gatwick Airport – North Terminal

Gatwick Airport’s North Terminal sees over 18 million passengers each year, with one in five passengers travelling on business.   Not surprising as Gatwick is the…

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Posted in America Healthy Meals

Simple ways to dine healthier in Los Angeles

Carol Sadler, Registered Nutritionist, has been travelling through the south west coast of America, stopping at Los Angeles before moving on to the Canyons and Las…

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Posted in Breakfast Glasgow airport Healthy Meals

Morning Flight: Which airport breakfast to choose?

In the past, an early morning flight would be a choice between an airport breakfast high in fat and salt or the other extreme –…

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Posted in Breakfast Healthy Meals

Breakfast – better late than Never

Whether it is a frequent, regular or occasional journey, travelling on business is usually a routine breaker. Eating breakfast not only supplies essential nutrients, but…

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