Healthy Business Travel Guides

flying from the UK iStock_000012745760XSmallGoing prepared and knowing in advance what might be available to eat and where to rest or exercise when travelling is an excellent way of staying healthy and fit for work.  If you need to reach your business meeting or destination at your peak, then our helpful healthy travel guides will assist you during transit.   Compiled by our Travel Health Experts, who personally visit each of the UK airports to explore the terminal for the best places to work, facilities for relaxation, quiet places to nap, stretch or exercise.  Our Registered Nutritionists and Dietitians also check out the options for healthier meals and snacks when travelling en route through the airport.

Here is the list of Healthy Business Travel guides for airports within the United Kingdom.

UK Healthy Business Travel Airport Guides books

These guides are available from Amazon, WHSmith, Waterstones, and other major book sellers.  If you want to order from Amazon, then simply click onto the photograph of the relevant guidebook, and the link will take you straight to the Amazon page.


More guides Coming soon….